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Ignite 2020 - NYE Conscious Dance

Celebrate this New Year’s Eve in conscious dance and ritual, lovingly releasing the past year and moving into limitless possibility and creativity. $40 Early Bird by 12/16 $50 after 12/16 and at the door Come dressed to MOVE as the Intention you are planting: Abundance, Love, Peace, More Free Time, Authenticity, Commitment to Health…. Held by the safe and spacious container of the 5Rhythms® movement practice, this event is open to ALL levels of experience and abilities and is Intoxicant-Free. With the intention to let go of our past trials and honor our joys, we catalyze our moving forward unencumbered into 2020. Together we will Ignite and welcome what we are calling into our lives, dancing into our bodies and beings the resonance of what will propel us into the New Year. Deliciously eclectic music takes you on a deep transformational journey.


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Date and Time for this Past Event